UberTwitter acaba de lanzar hoy su mas reciente versión Beta 7. Arregla muchos errores y brinda mas estabilidad. Es un preámbulo de lo que viene en el Beta 8 que saldrá mas adelante este mes.
- La lista de modificaciones es grande y va a hacer a mas que uno felices. Al final de la lista esta el “link” para bajar la aplicación.
- Java exceptions on device boot – Fixed issue where java exceptions would be reported on device reboot due to lack of permissions
- Opt-out of sponsored tweets – Users can now opt out of receiving sponsored tweets
- Goto User bug fix – Fixed bug where entering a user not in your timeline and then pressing trackball wouldn’t use the text you entered but instead find the closest match from your friends list
- Everyone Near You – Fixed bug where it wouldn’t uses your current location, and sometimes would revert to somewhere off the coast of Africa. Also increased the distance to a 10 mile radius, in the future we will let you select this.
- Mini-Icon Notification – Fixed bug where if the app didn’t have certain permissions not related to the mini-icon, it still wouldn’t show the mini-icon
- Fine-Tuned control of visual notifications – There are now three settings each for the mini-icon and application icon so you can fine-tune the control over how you want each to notify you. Also, the number next to the mini-icon will only reflect the number of new tweets of the type it is tracking. For example, if you only set the mini-icon to track new DMs, then the number next to the mini-icon will only reflect the number of new DMs.
- New short-cut for page-up – Added a new short-cut to page-up in the timeline, pressing ‘0′ (zero) will now page up in the timeline
- Instability when using cell location – Fixed bug that would cause instability in the app when using cell tower location
- 3G Cell Tower Inaccuracy – Fixed a bug in the cell tower location mechanism when 3G towers were being used
- Symbol Screen – Again reworked the symbol screen
- Secure Connection – Changed the default Twitter endpoint so your traffic will travel over a secure HTTPS connection
- Deleting DMs – We now allow you to delete direct messages.
- Constant permissions requests – Fixed bug where every time the app was started it would ask for permissions.
- TwitLonger confirmation dialog – We have added a dialog confirming that you want to use TwitLonger when sending a tweet.
- Auto network bug fix – Fixed a bug where the AUTO section would not work, but setting to BIS-B would work.
- Mini-indicator icon bug fix – Fixed bug where the mini-indicator icon would not work
- Application Permissions – Specifically asked for the inter-application permission, as not having it makes certain capabilities non-functional.
The following changes were made from 0.960 to 0.963
Pueden bajar esta versión aqui, que la disfruten.
Fuente: Blackberry Puerto Rico
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